Undoubtedly, ‘Sing to you’ is my favorite song on the “Today We Rebel” album. And it is all because of one line in the second verse where KB makes reference to the humanity of Jesus. I can’t begin to ...
It is characteristic of most Christians today, to give out huge sums of money towards a particular cause the church is embarking on: be it missions and outreaches, building projects, the organization ...
Tithe simply means a tenth. In scripture, a tithe is the tenth of a person’s produce given as an offering. It was instituted in the Old Testament, however, little is said about it in the New Testament...
The movie is such a sweet reminder of the love of God. It is so refreshing yet the viewer is left to wrestle with his own uncertainties and doubts about God as the main character in the movie does. Th...
Grace is so powerful. It takes us from the prison cells that sin caged us in and places us right in God. “In him, we live and move and have our being”, remember? In the New Testament, we attained our ...
Who is qualified to worship God? And who measures the quality of worship? God himself chose Abel’s sacrifice over Cain’s. No matter how humans think that was unfair he reserves the right to be the sol...
I am really not a fan of criticizing people in public. By doing that it implies that you have set yourself as a moral authority over the person you are dealing with … or so I thought. Let us do everyt...
When God created human beings, did he ‘program’ us to be like robots or wild beasts? ‘Robot’ in this text represents beings that are under the total control of their maker and ‘wild beast’ stands for ...
Renowned Atheist, Richard Dawkins, describes the God of the Old Testament as ‘the most unpleasant character in all of fiction’. This is an interesting quote because it captures perfectly what m...
There was so much talk on abortion on social media last week. I got involved at a point when I reposted a 6-minute spoken word video on my facebook wall by 3 of Humble Beast’s artists. The video, whic...