Let’s put God in the mainstream Let’s organize worship concerts in the biggest arenas and conferences in the grandest auditoriums for God Let’s make sure he is on prime time TV and on radio...
According to the bible, fornication is a sin Both men and women are liable to fornicate However, we sometimes regard fornication as a different class of sin when it is committed by a woman In the...
The grace of God is the most unfathomable mystery ever witnessed and experienced by humanity It is simply amazing - to put it mildlyGod intends his grace to hold you spell-bound and in awe for the...
First of all let me state this, Jesus never said anywhere in the gospels that he is God He didn’t He didn’t have to Actions they say speak louder than words The people who often claim that the...
“When the Missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed When we opened them, they had the land and we had the...
Some people are of the view that Christianity is misogynistic: it expresses a certain level of hatred towards women But is this really the case First of all, people really need to improve their...
Over the years, many skeptics and non-theists have discredited the Bible as being unreliable Sometimes it appears they have staggering evidence to back their claims One fact we must establish...
About three weeks ago, Andy Mineo released his second studio album dubbed ‘Uncomfortable’ I believe a lot of hard work went into making the album He is a hard worker and I hope I can work half as...
Usually I jump at every opportunity to express my thoughts on any subject concerning my faith I admit that I am sometimes impulsive when it comes to issues concerning my faith and morality But after...
Faith without works is dead This literally means you need to back your positive confessions with some actions to make them qualified to be called acts of faith
With the faith of a mustard seed you...