I was the head of a department in the campus ministry I was in while in the university It was a cool experience, more importantly, I learned a lot about life, leadership, and collaborating with...
Many years ago I was taking a stroll with a friend of mine through our neighborhood We stopped to talk to a mutual friend of ours I remember somebody drove by in a car so recklessly with loud music...
For the fear of blaspheming, most Christians refrain from asking God genuine questions But there is a huge difference between asking questions and doubting God Jesus Christ asked a question...
Let’s put God in the mainstream Let’s organize worship concerts in the biggest arenas and conferences in the grandest auditoriums for God Let’s make sure he is on prime time TV and on radio...
What you believe in, defines you There are many beliefs, faiths and theories that human beings hold in high esteem that probably define the reality of their existence to their satisfaction Usually,...
How can one end up finding Jesus in his pursuit of Allah GK Chesterton said that 'paradox is truth standing on its head for attention' And that is how I feel about the title of this book The title...
I believe Christians in every field of endeavor are anointed so far as they remain children of God wherever they are It may not look like it but God is pleased by our occupations even if we don’t...
Usually I jump at every opportunity to express my thoughts on any subject concerning my faith I admit that I am sometimes impulsive when it comes to issues concerning my faith and morality But after...
Recently I had a conversation with a friend of mine who works with a Christian NGO about martyrdom He told me that he wasn’t afraid to lose his life for the sake of the gospel and that many...